red roms starttig the same with mame

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red roms starttig the same with mame

Post by cignus »

Hi, after scanning and fixing my romset, I noticed that some roms in RED are running in MAME the same. Is there any way to understand why?
I would like to erase all red roms that won't run in mame.

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Re: red roms starttig the same with mame

Post by RomCenter »

Can you try this with rc4?
Can you also give some examples.

Eric - RomCenter developer
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Re: red roms starttig the same with mame

Post by cignus »

well, Im trying to restore an old cabinet I made 15 years ago... so the pc is an old one with win xp and rc4 starts but hangs right after start.

this is why i used rc3... i should move all romset to a newer pc and test with rc4...

ill do it asap.

thanks for the moment.