Feature Request: Sort by Driver status.

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Feature Request: Sort by Driver status.

Post by HowardC »

I've been using romcenter for over a decade now, I really like it and imho it's a lot easier to use than clrmamepro. I'm really liking the beta btw... Metro UI ftw!

I was wondering if the driver status could be added to the categories for MAME. It's in the xml as "<driver status="

The reason I ask is, since mame added e.m. games it's been a bit bulky and now that consoles are also added it's downright huge. A complete romset, ignoring chds, is over 40 gigs! That's excluding the e.m. stuff as well! I started looking though and at least half of the games/systems in mame have preliminary status, meaning they aren't playable.

It would sure save on the hdd space if those unplayable roms could be excluded.
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Re: Feature Request: Sort by Driver status.

Post by RomCenter »

Eric - RomCenter developer
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