name "ScummVM GIT"
description "ScummVM GIT Games"
category "ScummVM"
version v0.99.1.7
date 2012-01-20
author "Gruby & emuControlCenter Team"
homepage emuControlCenter
url ""
comment "Please report any data file issues at"
After import of dat file this error occured:
Incorrect char in tag <rom> (ACT2\SURVRDBL\KPM26425.MUS) : renamed to KPM26425.MUS
Incorrect char in tag <rom> (ACT2\SURVRDBL\LULLABY.MUS) : renamed to LULLABY.MUS
Incorrect char in tag <rom> (ACT2\VENT\AMB.MUS) : renamed to AMB.MUS
Import datas
10000/82675 lines added
20000/82675 lines added
30000/82675 lines added
40000/82675 lines added
50000/82675 lines added
Database closed
**Error :arithmetic exception, numeric overflow, or string truncation
string right truncation
Arithmetic overflow or division by zero has occurred.
GDS Code: 335544321 - SQL Code: -802 - Error Code: 1
Arithmetic overflow or division by zero has occurred.
Moderator: Wanderer
Re: Arithmetic overflow or division by zero has occurred.
There should be a special character in the datafile. Verify the datafile.
I will have a look, but after my holidays
There should be a special character in the datafile. Verify the datafile.
I will have a look, but after my holidays
Eric - RomCenter developer
Report bugs here.
Report bugs here.