Hi all, happy new year to all.
Finally I decided to put my other project on hold and restore the current state of romcenter to release a new version.
Version 4.2.0 will be finished and released, which will be a 32b/64b version, the latest in .NET 4.0 (Windows XP). I will fix the remaining bugs reported so far.
After that, I will try to upgrade frameworks as far as possible, hopefully to .NET 8, and release a full 64b up-to-date version (5.0?).
At the same time, I'm putting down important project information to prepare for open sourcing all code.
So stay tuned
Romcenter future
Romcenter future
Eric - RomCenter developer
Report bugs here.
Report bugs here.
Re: Romcenter future
Hey Eric.
Wow, a dynamic comeback! Great news! Many thanks!
Looking forward to a new release. Hopefully opensourcing the project will attract contributors and result to it remaining active for a long time.
Wow, a dynamic comeback! Great news! Many thanks!
Looking forward to a new release. Hopefully opensourcing the project will attract contributors and result to it remaining active for a long time.
- Wanderer -
RomCenter: Main site, Bug reporting & enhancement requests, Wiki
RCDBManager: Main site, Bug reporting & enhancement requests, Wiki
RomCenter: Main site, Bug reporting & enhancement requests, Wiki
RCDBManager: Main site, Bug reporting & enhancement requests, Wiki
Re: Romcenter future
I though Rom center was heading for a grave.

Re: Romcenter future
I hope making it open source will attract many contributors!
I hope making it open source will attract many contributors!
Re: Romcenter future
The future is promising!