Hi, this may be helpfull for you, i translated this text for you with google translator, Greetz Proffix
As more and more questions arise on how to create "filtered" DATS from existing ones, here is a small summary that explains how to use DatUtil with an example.
DatUtil is a command-line tool that allows you to customize DAT files in a variety of ways. It opens DAT files of any size, making it more convenient or usable than DatWorkshop Pro
You want to create a DAT that contains ONLY NeoGeo games.
In addition, ONLY the parents should be included, say no clones.
You want to use the latest DAT for MAME ("MAME - ROMs (v0.176_XML) .dat")
The tool brings a readme.txt with it, which, however - in my opinion - is quite confusing and written in English, which in turn causes some people problems
The important part of the readme.txt I have shown here once:
fix merging (used to the the -m option)
remove duplicate ROMs / disks / samples
-f output format (listinfo, listxml, romcenter2, delimited, sublist, etc)
-q always use quotes around strings (only applies to listinfo output)
-k keep as much information as possible from the source file
-j Nebula Jukebox - only load Z80 and Sample ROMs from romdata
-o output to file
-a append to file
-t test mode - no data file is actually saved (just loaded and cleansed)
Header text:
-A author
-V version
-C category
-R ref name
-F full name (i.e. description)
-H homepage
-U url
-O comment
-M merging (none, split or full)
-P packing (zip or unzip)
-N nodump (obsolete, required or ignore)
Game selection:
-g individual game selection. use the @ symbol to specify a file of names
-c include clones (for use with the -g option)
-G Select games from a specified sourcefile. The @ method is also supported
-S select games using substring of description. The @ method is supported
- changes the -g, -G, -S options (including the -c option) to exclude games
-r remove clones
-l lowercase game names and ROM names
-s sort games by parent (sorted by parent name then game name)
-i include missing information from a 'reference' data file
-I Incorporate games from a 'supplement' data file
-X fix merging off (do not use unless you understand the consequences!)
-D remove duplicate ROMs / disks / samples (as above in terms of usage)
-p prune (remove) ROMs, disks and / or samples (e.g. '-p disk, sample')
MD5 / SHA1:
-x Calculate SHA1 / MD5 when scanning files or ZIPs in a directory
-m Use MD5 checksums rather than SHA1 (e.g. when using -x, -m can be used)
-V Verbose logging
-d Show debug messages
Instructions on the example
Copy the MAME ROMs (v0.176_XML) .dat into the DatUtil directory
Open CMD as administrator
Change to the directory of DatUtil
Run the following command: datutil.exe -g neogeo -c -r -f generic -A Nightgarm -C "Standard DatFile" -F NeoGeoOnlyNoClones -R NeoGeo_only_NO_clones -V "1.0" -o NeoGeoOnlyNoClones.dat "MAME - ROMs (v0.176_XML ) .dat "
The result is a new .dat named NeoGeoOnlyNoClones.dat, which can then be opened in ROMulus, or clrmamepro. Included are 159 games and a bios.
Here is a section of the finished file:
<? xml version = "1.0"?>
<! DOCTYPE datafile PUBLIC "- // Logiqx // DTD ROM Management Datafile // EN" "
<Data file>
<Name> NeoGeo_only_NO_clones </ name>
<Description> NeoGeoOnlyNoClones </ description>
<category> Standard DatFile </ category>
<Version> 1.0 </ version>
<Author> Nachtgarm </ author>
</ Header>
<game name = "2020bb" romof = "neogeo">
<description> 2020 Super Baseball (set 1) </ description>
<Year> 1991 </ year>
<manufacturer> SNK / Pallas </ manufacturer>
<rom name = "sp-s2.sp1" merge = "sp-s2.sp1" size = "131072" crc = "9036d879" sha1 = "4f5ed7105b7128794654ce82b51723e16e389543" />
<rom name = "sp-s.sp1" merge = "sp-s.sp1" size = "131072" crc = "c7f2fa45" sha1 = "09576ff20b4d6b365e78e6a5698ea450262697cd" />
<rom name = "sp-u2.sp1" merge = "sp-u2.sp1" size = "131072" crc = "e72943de" sha1 = "5c6bba07d2ec8ac95776aa3511109f5e1e2e92eb" />
<rom name = "sp-e.sp1" merge = "sp-e.sp1" size = "131072" crc = "2723a5b5" sha1 = "5dbff7531cf04886cde3ef022fb5ca687573dcb8" />
<rom name = "v2.bin" merge = "v2.bin" size = "131072" crc = "62f021f4" sha1 = "62d372269e1b3161c64ae21123655a0a22ffd1bb" />
merge = "asia-s3.rom" size = "131072" crc = "91b64be3" sha1 = "720a3e20d26818632aedf2c2fd16c54f213543e1" />
<rom name = "vs-bios.rom" merge = "vs-bios.rom" size = "131072" crc = "f0e8f27d" sha1 = "ecf01eda815909f1facec62abf3594eaa8d11075" />
<rom name = "sp-j2.sp1" merge = "sp-j2.sp1" size = "131072" crc = "acede59c" sha1 = "b6f97acd282fd7e94d9426078a90f059b5e9dd91" />
<rom name